Fields: MARC Subfields

Lists the Subfield Maps that have been defined in the selected tag of the MARC Map. The subfields are not listed in any specific order, nor can they be rearranged in custom MARC Maps. Portfolio extracts from them in the order that they are found.

After adding or making changes to any MARC Map, you will need to harvest any search sources that will be using that MARC Map for the changes to show up in the Searching interface.

Search Configuration > MARC Maps > Configure MARC 21 Tags > Configure Subfield Maps

Search Configuration > MARC Maps > Configure UNIMARC Tags > Configure Subfield Maps


Displays the name of the current MARC Map.

MARC Standard

Displays the standard (MARC 21 or UNIMARC) used for the current tag set.

Tag Number

Displays the name of the current MARC tag.

MARC Subfields list

Displays a list of all the MARC tags in the current MARC Map.

The list displays this information:

Option Description


Displays the name of the subtag (usually a single letter).

Begin Punct

Displays any punctuation that prefixes the subfield string when it is imported into Portfolio.

End Punct

Displays any punctuation that suffixes the subfield string when it is imported into Portfolio.

Management options

Lets you manage MARC Map subfields by adding, editing, or deleting them.

You can choose these options:

Option Description

Select a Different Tag

Opens the MARC Tag Maps list so you can add or view a different Tag Map.

Add Subfield Map

Lets you add a new MARC Map definition. For more information, see Fields: MARC Tag Maps.


Lets you view properties for a specific Subfield Map. For more information, see Fields: Add/Edit/View/Copy Subfield.

Edit MARC Map Subfield

Lets you edit the settings for a specific Subfield Map. For more information, see Fields: Add/Edit/View/Copy Subfield.


Lets you delete an existing Subfield Map. For more information, see .

Note: The Delete icon is inactive for default MARC Maps. You cannot delete these MARC Maps.

Related topics 

Fields: Add/Edit/View/Copy Tag Map

Fields: Add/Edit/View/Copy Subfield